"Born Equal"

Dr S. Thuseethan

PhD (Deakin University, Australia)

Welcome to my page!

Thuseethan received the BSc degree from the University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka and the PhD degree from Deakin University, Australia. He is currently a Lecturer in Information Technology at Charles Darwin University, Australia. He was Postdoctoral Research Fellow with School of Information Technology, Deakin University, Australia. His research interests include deep learning, emotion recognition and applications of machine learning.

Please feel free to contact Thuseethan for future collaborations!!!


[Nov 2022] Our work entitled "Deep3DCANN: A Deep 3DCNN-ANN Framework for Spontaneous Micro-expression Recognition" has been accepted for publication in the "Information Sciences" journal (SciMago: Q1 & IF: 8.233), co-authored with Sutharshan Rajasegarar and John Yearwood

[Sep 2022] Our work entitled "Double Attention-based Lightweight Network for Plant Pest Recognition" has been accepted for publication in the "ICONIP 2022" conference (CORE Rank: A), co-authored with Sivasubramaniam Janarthan, Sutharshan Rajasegarar and John Yearwood

[Sep 2022] Our work entitled "P2oP - plant pathology on palms: A deep learning-based mobile solution for in-field plant disease detection" has been accepted for publication in the "Computers and Electronics in Agriculture" journal (SciMago: Q1 & IF: 6.757), co-authored with Sivasubramaniam Janarthan, Sutharshan Rajasegarar and John Yearwood

[Aug 2022] Our work entitled "Deep Hybrid Learning Framework for Plant Disease Recognition" has been accepted for publication in the "2022 International Research Conference in Smart Computing and Systems Engineering (SCSE)", co-authored with Ashen Iranga Hewarathna, Vigneshwaran Palanisamy and Joseph Chales

[Apr 2022] Our work entitled "EmoSeC: Emotion recognition from scene context" has been accepted for publication in the "Neurocomputing" journal (SciMago: Q1 & IF: 5.779), co-authored with Sutharshan Rajasegarar and John Yearwood

[Oct 2021] Our work entitled "Deep COVID-19 Recognition Using Chest X-ray Images: A Comparative Analysis" has been accepted for publication in the "2021 5th SLAAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (SLAAI-ICAI)", co-authored with Chathrie Wimalsooriya and Shanmuganathan Vasanthapriyan

[Aug 2021] Our work entitled "Deep Continual Learning for Emerging Emotion Recognition" has been accepted for publication in the "IEEE Transactions on Multimedia" journal (SciMago: Q1 & IF: 8.182), co-authored with Sutharshan Rajasegarar and John Yearwood

Email:     t.selvarajah[at]deakin[dot]edu[dot]au (official)

thuseethan[at]gmail[dot]com (personal)


School of Information Technology

Deakin University

221 Burwood Highway

Burwood VIC 3125, 
